Thursday, January 7, 2010

Karmic Restitution

O! K!

Apparently someone hasn't been livin' right!

Karma has come around to bite me in the butt once again.

Lets begin with the first repayment to the karma fairy...

Last month I came home from school to find the load of WHITE!!! clothes I placed in the dryer before I left that morning looking like they belonged in a litter of Dalmatians!

The very next day (and I mean the very next day )I came home from school to find that someone (i.e. baby homie, who is 2) had left a crack in the freezer door when he got a "freezy pop" the day before. Apparently NO ONE noticed the crack in the freezer door!
Weeeelllll!!! When I open the door that afternoon I was like "What the__________"(insert your own word) is that smell. I walked all around thought maybe it was the front loading washer, but nope. Not the washer.

WHAM! It hits me like the proverbial ton of bricks! I also notice the lovely crimsony color oozing from the freezer area. EEEEEWWWWWWWW!


WHAT THE!!!!!!

SO guess what I got to do! YEP!
Took everything out and threw it away, even those beautiful shrimp I had just placed in there a few days prior to freezer crack. Fresh from the salty water humongous shrimp!

Then the best part of the entire thing was cleaning up all of that lovely, freshly coagulating, rose smelling, drippings from the thawed out slop. If it weren't for a dear friend of mine I don't know what i would have done. She came and saved the day for me! Props Girl! Cant say so much for my other favorite sister-n-law! Bless her heart she was too grossed out to do anything but stare and chringe...cant say that I blame her though!

Finally after we get that cleaned and have good laugh (What else could you do but laugh after it was over?) we sit and have a good convo and laugh some more. I thought maybe I was clear of Karma fairy because the whole time I was cleaning I was apologizing for all the mean things that I had apparently done.
BUT OH NO!!! Not done with me yet...Heifer! or Jackass!
The VERY next day we go to the local football game and WHAM Baby Homie falls and busts the back of his and yep you guessed it we made a late night run to the Emergency room. Turns out we didnt have to have stitches. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

All weekend we lay low trying not to disrupt anything and seemed to do a pretty good job.
Well Monday rolls around out the door we go and Mommy went alright...rolling like a stone right on down those steps. GEEEEZZZZ LOUISE!

Now this time....

Baby Homie has to go to day care for the first time.
Well it goes okay except for the tears that appear out of no______where when I drop him off. He seems to like it none the less.
2 days only 2 days at day care and what happens he comes home and proceeds to puke everywhere and we are up all night.

In the middle of him pucking and then getting another bath I am trying to wash the clothes and things that were sprayed with the first sessions of throwing up.

I walk in the kitchen and I smell this nasty weird smell. Again WHAT THE________ is that smell?
Well, I though it better not be that damn freezer again!

I am walking around sniffing like a bloodhound on track . I even smell myself to make sure its not me! Turns out the darn fuse box is smoking and its an electrical burning smell.
I run to back of the house were the hubs is snooring so loud...yep he is in a deep sleep.




I think the fuse box is trying to catch fire.

AND the great response...


The fuse box I think it is trying to catch on fire!

Well he does get up and come to the rescue!

So please Karma Fairy take it easy on me! Enough already! I didn't think I was that I was that mean! I guess I am going to have to be A LOT nicer!
I hate having to kiss booottttyyyy!

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